How to Scale Your Business With Our 2-Step Process For Generating 10,20 Even 30"High-Ticket&quo

Coaches & Consultants – We will help you build a high-ticket marketing funnel to attract high-ticket clients, and if it doesn’t work, YOU DON'T PAY!

Imagine consistently landing premium clients who value your expertise. As a coach or consultant, your skills deserve to be rewarded at the highest level.

Hi! My name is Ananya, and I’m the founder of ClientsForCoaches. Me and my team work with Coaches and Consultants and we help them build their marketing + sales systems.

Here is what we do — We help them develop a 30-35 minute video that runs on automation using ads.⁣⁣
Then train them or their sales team to close a minimum of 1 out of 5 people they talk to.
As a result, these business owners get to work with their dream clients (whenever they want …at whatever rate they desire).⁣⁣
Our marketing and sales systems which are used by over 200+ coaches and consultants have proven to get the desired results.⁣⁣

We've scaled our own business from 0 > $50,000+/month using these EXACT systems.

Best part? If it doesn’t work… YOU DON’T PAY!⁣⁣

So if you want more info on how this all works...

Click the link below and schedule a Free discovery call NOW.

I'll break everything down for you on the Call. As i mentioned
previously... if this doesn't work for you... you don't pay. So i
have no incentive to pressure you into anything you don't want to do ;)

Sound good?

Then click, schedule, and let’s make it happen.

http:// »

Anuncio #53646629
Publicado: Martes, 26 Noviembre, 2024  22:49
Expira: Viernes, 07 Marzo, 2025  04:49
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